Maximpact created a comprehensive WASH capacity building program, which serves as hands-on, all-inclusive resource guide to those who intend to carry out ToT in the water sector.
This capacity building program takes into account:
- Modules to be addressed
- Technical and operational approaches to training design
- Practical tools required for the training preparation – the training organization checklist to be used by local trainers
Distinct from other programs, Maximpact’s program has two unique features:
- It accounts for regional differences in managing water and explains how the training should be adapted to local, national and regional levels in order to achieve in full the desired impact.
- It ensures the sustainability of training interventions that may require additional support in the form of post-training mentorship.
A train-the-trainer (ToT) approach is a powerful tool, that when shared with organisations such as NGOscan help build capacity among local stakeholders and communities involved in water management. This ToT program aims at enabling organisations such as NGOs to properly design local training programs in the WASH sector for relevant decision makers and the communities they serve.
The training method Maximpact employs includes all tools and techniques internationally practiced and recognized by ToT trainers in the WASH sector. It includes carefully designed pre-training, training delivery and post-training sets of activities.
Through this program, NGOs can gain sound knowledge of how to successfully train potential target groups in their local communities. The objective is to groom the trainers to become the championswho will spearhead WASH management capacity building programs within their own environments. Specific training programs offered by this comprehensive WASH ToT capacity building program, are individually designed to meet the exact needs of each group, and may involve any combination of:
- Presentations & lectures
- Seminars & discussions
- Workshop activities
- Field trips
- Interactive models
- Computer models
- Hands-on activities
- Industry placements