Organization Theory: Modern Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives (Paperback 3 Revised edition)
【お取り寄せ・キャンセル不可の商品】:2週間~4週間でお届け(お急ぎの方はご遠慮ください。) / 【本の説明】358ページ 188*244mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 635g ISBN:9780199640379 / 【本の内容】Organization Theory offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the study of organizations and organizing processes. It encourages an even-handed appreciation of the main perspectives defining our knowledge of organizations and challenges readers to broaden their intellectual reach. Organization Theory is presented in three parts: Part I introduces the reader to theorizing using the multi-perspective approach. Part II presents different core concepts useful for analyzing and understanding organizations - as entities within an environment as social structures technologies cultures and physical structures and as the products of power and political processes. Part III explores application