Energy Efficiency & AI Seminar

About the Seminar

We give presentations and seminars on data mining on the use of data mining and Artificial Intelligence for energy savings and process optimisation in the industrial and energy sector.

The Artificial Intelligence techniques that will be presented will show you how large energy users can use the historical data that is stored in the systems along with specialised software to:

  1. Identify patterns of energy wastage
  2. Identify potential problems in machine operation
  3. Improve process control which and hence improve product quality
  4. Provide for better maintenance strategies

Artificial intelligent software can also greatly help optimise the design of all kinds of energy intensive processes associated with many kinds of industrial such as the chemical, pharmaceutical sectors to the food and drinks sectors.

The location and dates are being finalised. Sign up to receive updates on the seminar.

Who can benefit from the seminar?

The seminar is suitable for beginners and those interested in gaining a better understanding about artificial intelligence technique and their applcations. These include the following categories

  1. Industry engineers involved in energy savings associated with industrial processes and utility systems
  2. Design engineers and process specialist
  3. Renewable energy design engineers involved in wind, solar and biomass systems
  4. Electrical utility engineers involved in power plant design and operational efficiency
  5. Municipality engineers involved with waste water treatment and water pumping


 Introduction and overview of topics below

  • Introduction to seminar and history of data in the decision-making process
  • Overview of industry 4.0 opportunities and its implications for the industrial sector
  • An Introduction to Data Mini­ng and Artificial Intelligence

 Intelligent systems overview

  • Expert systems for capturing process knowledge and for control of various processes
  • Advanced controls using artificial intelligence techniques

Data mining in practice

  • Data Mining and techniques
  • Neural networks
  • Crisp data mining standard

Overview of data mining opportunities in industrial manufacturing, utility and renewable energy sectors

  • A review of naturally inspired algorithms for optimisation – How we can learn from the bird,  bees, ants, termites and even the invasive weed to help solve complex optimisation problems associated with energy systems
  • Data mining for energy savings in the industrial manufacturing sectors
  • The use of artificial intelligence techniques in the wind and solar power sector

Data mining and Artificial Intelligence Application opportunities in industrial utility and energy generation systems including the following:

  • HVAC systems
  • Boiler plant optimisation
  • Refrigeration systems
  • CHP plant optimisation
  • Anaerobic digestion systems

Intelligent energy management systems

  • The intelligent approach to energy savings and energy management

Expert Presenter

Gerard McNulty B.A,.B.A.I., F.I.E.I International Sustainable Energy Expert, holds an honours degree in Engineering Science and a degree in Mathematical and Computer Sciences from Trinity College Dublin. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers of Ireland and an International Energy expert with 36 years of experience in industrial energy auditing covering hundreds of energy audits in all sectors of industry.

Gerard has given talks on the topics of artificial intelligence, data mining and energy efficiency in the industrial sector since 1997, in diverse places such as for example in Ireland, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bahamas.

Gerard is also the inventor of an intelligent agent-based system that uses artificial intelligent systems for control of HVAC systems in large buildings. This system has been applied to buildings in Ireland and the UK and has provided an average saving of 20%.

Gerard has worked in many countries on various international assignments with donor organizations such as The World Bank, European Bank for Development and Reconstruction (EBRD), The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and as a specialist Thematic Expert on EU energy research projects associated with the 4th, 5th, and 6th Energy Research Programs. He has also worked as an Energy Expert associated with the Eurostars EU energy program and the Marie Curie Post Fellowship Awards Program.

Supporting Organizations