Mikhail is an international water resource management expert with extensive experience in water and land management, water supply, wastewater, monitoring of water resources, evaluation and impact assessment. He has a PhD in Hydrogeology, Doctor is Science and a certified environmental audit specialist.
Richard has extensive experience in the evaluation and management of surface and groundwater resources. Utilizing the available data and the professional judgment that comes from decades of experience, he has analyzed the hydraulics of surface-water systems, rainfall-runoff phenomena, low-flow and peak-flow attributes of streams, and sediment-yield characteristics of watersheds.
More than 25 years of experience in participatory design and implementation of irrigation, drainage, rural water supply and infrastructure works. He is a water resource management expert with policy, monitoring and evaluation, institutional development and capacity building of public, state and private water user organisations.
Ms. Van Dijk is a senior water expert with more than 25 years of experience in advising water management authorities, primarily in the Netherlands on the water infrastructure investments required to comply with the EU water directives. She has more than 10 years of experience in promoting mechanisms and assisting institutions in facilitating investments in the water sector.
Korblaah is water expert with over 25 years of experience. His qualification covers assessments, site investigations and impact studies. Experience in working with oil and gas companies evaluating and approval of all hydrogeological and environmental reports for projects completed at abandoned and active contaminated sires. Korblaah also has experience in design water supply, water quality analysis and hydraulic models, water balance studies and terrain evaluation.
Biad is a water resource specialist with more than 26 years of experience in water and sanitation utilities management mainly in middle east and Africa. His expertise covers capacity building for institutions, training. project management, wastewater, monitoring and evaluation.
Broad work experience in conceptual and practical subjects related to Land and Water Management. Within 25 years of work experience, have been posted in a number of countries in Latin America, Asia and lately Africa. His expertise covers water treatment, resource management, watershed management, impact measures and assessment and irrigation
Azize has acted as planning and design engineer in charge of preliminary and detailed design works for different infrastructural projects. She has extensive experience in site investigation, process and hydraulic design of the water and wastewater structure, design review, project management for the large-scale international integrated infrastructure projects including water supply distribution network systems, wastewater collection network and disposal systems, water and wastewater treatment plants, storm water drainage network system and sanitary landfill projects.
Debora is a water and sanitation expert with over 18 years of experience. He has acted as a project manager for water, sanitation and hygiene programmes. Debora has planned and supervised community assessments, monitor water supplies and sanitation in the affected tsunami areas and recommended interventions to respond to the needs and vulnerabilities of the population. She also provides impact and assessment consulting.
David has over 25 years of experience in water and waste management. He advises government, companies and public sector bodies in developing, managing and implementing policies, projects, programmes, plans and funding mechanisms in urban development across Europe, MENA and sub-Saharan Africa. He has carried out environmental assessment, restructured and improved organisational and financial management, tariff policies of municipal and regional wastewater companies through Financial and Operational Improvement Programmes.