購入日:2023 操作に問題はなく、すべてのボタンが正常に機能しています。販売前に製品を試してテストし、品質と信頼性を確保しています。購入後24時間以内に発送します。6か月の保証があり、顧客満足を保証します。ありがとうございます。
Purchase date: 2023 No problem with operation, all buttons are working properly. We try and test our products before selling to ensure quality and reliability. We ship within 24 hours after purchase. We have 6 months warranty, guarantee customer satisfaction. Thank you.
Hello. Thank you for visiting our store. We are from Hyogo and previously worked as repairmen in the Philippines. Sony products have many problems due to defective batteries. I am here to solve your problem. I will replace it with a genuine battery. You will receive a brand new one. My battery is purchased directly from the supplier, it is original, not a replacement battery…
Apple AirPods Pro 第2世代Beats Powerbeats Pro MV712PA/A/ AirPods Pro 第2世代 Type-CAirPods Pro 左耳+ケースApple純正 AirPods Pro 第2世代 エアーポッズプロ