Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change
Athens, Greece
Dimirtris has been monitoring of the implementation of alternative management systems/ enforcement of EU/national legislation and building up of institutional waste management infrastructure systems (national, regional) for waste management issues: batteries (2006/66/EC), wastes from electric/electronic equipment (WEEE – 2002/96/EC & 2012/19/EU), used tyres, end-of life-vehicles (ELV 2002/53/EC). He has also carried out assessment of EIA studies for industrial installations concerning waste treatment/recycling.
Expert: Dimitris, Waste Expert
HUAWEI Support of Huawei in review and identification of applicable energy efficiency, environmental and waste regulations
Republic of Moldova and Romania
The expert has provided support of Huawei in review and identification of applicable energy efficiency, environmental and waste regulations based on EU Directives in Romania and Moldova and provide a brief English summary of the relevant regulations
Expert: Kozmin, International Senior Adviser on Solid Waste Management
Executive Environment Agency in Bulgaria and Federal Environment Agency Austria – Twinning Project.
Twinning project: Strengthening the capacities of the ministry of environment and natural recourses protection in development and improvement of the waste management system in Georgia. Irina has worked on elaboration of strategic documents such as: draft legislation on packaging and packaging waste, good practices for separate collection of packaging waste, presentation for principles, implementation and transposition of Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste
Expert: Irina, Waste Expert
Ministry of Environment and Water / Elaboration of Bulgarian legislation in the area of waste management
The expert has provided advisory on legislation on recycling of waste and packaging waste and worked on elaboration of Bulgarian legislation in the area of waste management.
Expert: Irina, Waste Expert
Ministry Citrus Partners/ Environmental and social regulatory analysis
The assignment was to review and complete a ‘concise’ environmental and social regulatory analysis to cover the Romanian Institutional Framework, International Environmental and Social Conventions Signed by/Applicable to Romania and the Romanian Environmental and Social Regulatory Framework – including environmental permission processes and requirements. The materials were used for performing an EBRD Environmental and Social Risk Management Training for Financial Intermediaries – UniCredit Tiriac Bank.
Expert: Kozmin, Waste Expert
UNDP Transfer of Czech experience – Contaminated sites management in Western Balkans
Funded by UNDP, the main objective of this project is to scan the existing situation in Western Balkan countries in relation to compliance of industrial and mining related environmental legislation with relevant EU environmental acquis, map the industrial and mining sites in breach of the EU requirements and provided recommendations for future improvements/remediation. Identified existing compliance of the Western Balkans countries’ environmental legislation with the EU environmental acquis and produced recommendations in order to speed up the EU accession process.
Expert: Fernando, Waste Expert
Ministry of Environment and Water / Elaboration of Bulgarian legislation in the area of waste management
Implementation of the PHARE project EuropeAid/120601/D/SV/BG and elaboration of fiche PHARE project Strengthening the administrative capacity to ensure the effective application of the acquis communautaire of the EU waste management (CRIS No.: 2007/019-303.04.02)
Expert: Irina, Waste Expert
Austrian Federal Environment Agency TWINNING Project “Strengthening the administrative capacity for practical implementation of legislation in the fields of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE 2002/96/EC), batteries and accumulators (WAB 2006/66/EC) at national and regional level in Bulgaria” – Partners: Ministry of Environment and Waters (BG) and Umweltbundesamt (AT) – Junior Partners: Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change (Greece), Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Germany)
Sofia, Bulgaria
Main components of the work performed : a) Legal/institutional gap analysis, preparation of business plans and relevant recommendations & proposals for improvement of legal framework for the management of waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), batteries and accumulators b) Application of the RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) to the Bulgarian government c) improvement of collection/management of WEEE (2002/96/EC), batteries Page 8 and accumulators d) Design of electronic register for electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators e) Organisation of study visits to Austria/Greece f) Organisation of workshops/seminars g) Calculation of costs for WEEE/batteries and accumulators management f) h) Organization of public awareness campaign.
Expert: Dimitris, Waste Expert