SERBIA Human Dynamics Short term expert Technical Assistance (TA) Project for the implementation of the IPPC Directive (2008/1/EC)
Development of a methodology for the assessment of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Emission Limit Values (ELV) – Guide for the Serbian Ministry of Environment
Expert: Dimitris, Waste Expert
UNIDO -Sampling and Analysis of PCDD/PCDF and relevant parameters in Suralaya power plant
Coordinate the activities of the sampling team and subcontracted laboratory and communicate the results to the client. Report writing.
Expert: Fernando, Waste Expert
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Research / POIZON Research Project
Funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, the aim of this project was to study the impact of microplastic pollution in the Portuguese coast. Contribution: Research assistant. Define monitoring points, collect samples and analyse them in the laboratory. In addition, the project had a component of environmental awareness and I was responsible to give presentations about the issue to the public.
Expert: Fernando, Waste Expert
NATO for Science Programme/ Harbour Sediments Pollution Assessment and Dredged Material Management
Funded by NATO for Science Programme, this project aimed at studying the sediment contamination in two harbours in the Aegean Sea (Mytilene and Izmir). Contribution: Research Intern. Sample sediment, maintain algae culture and perform bioassays with selected organisms. Report writing.
Expert: Fernando, Waste Expert